
one year to go

Scris pe de Oana Filip

Londra se pregăteşte de zor pentru Jocurile Olimpice din 2012. O face atât de bine, încât a pus la cale o (pre) campanie de toată frumuseţea. E mai mult decât un teaser isteţ. E un pretext bun pentru selfpromo, de care organizatorii ştiu să profite din plin.

The excitement is building! Can you believe that we’re now less than one year away from the start of the 2012 Olympic Games? London has already started the final countdown with „One year to go” celebrations throughout the city. (The Games will begin July 27, 2012.) According to CNN, „14,700 competitors from 205 nations across the globe will take part in the opening ceremony.” via

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