
"Un prodotto buono dev’essere fatto con stile".

Scris pe de Oana Filip

„A good coffee requires three essential things before it can even hope to qualify as good: choice beans, a perfect blend, and meticulous roasting.
Three factors that are not easy to measure. To find out more, we decided to pay a visit to Renato Ferrari for whom the quality of his coffee has always been more mission than profession.

To achieve the perfect coffee blend, Renato Ferrari uses Arabica beans from Central America. He mixes them himself according to a (top-secret) recipe and supervises the protracted roasting process which might well be the key to his coffee’s success.
Though now officially retired for nearly 20 years, besides turning his former profession into his hobby, nothing has really changed for him. His coffee takes a long time to roast because the centenarian roaster does not reach temperatures over 200°C. This leads to a higher percentage of tannin being extracted and the aromas developing at a slower pace, resulting in a more intensive flavor.”

Asta e tot o poveste despre branduri. Sau despre oameni. Am ales-o pentru că e vorba despre cafea. O băutură care a început să îmi placă, mai ales dacă o beau cu cineva drag şi am şi biscuiţi alături.
Data trecută vi l-am prezentat pe Jérôme Rebetez. Astăzi e rândul lui Renato Ferrari. Vă redau doar prima parte şi vă trimit direct la sursă.

Ştiu că e cald şi lenea e în floare, dar zău că merită! 🙂

