
cine a auzit de noma bar?

Scris pe de Oana Filip

Răspuns simplu: cine mai trage câte un ochi din când în când pe Fubiz.net.

Răspuns real: puţini.

Mă încadrez în prima categoria. Abia am aflat cine este Noma Bar. Nu ştiu dacă e târziu sau devreme. O să mă hotărăsc în momentul în care îmi dau seama cam ce am pierdut. Bine măcar că nu a trecut pe lângă mine şi „Cut it Out”, cea mai nouă expoziţie a artistului israelian.

„For this year’s London Design Festival, Outline Editions has invited the ingenious and award winning graphic artist Noma Bar to create a one-man show, the centrepiece of which will be his brand new installation, Cut It Out. Cut It Out is an interactive sculpture which allows viewers to create their own prints.

Based on a manual embosser, this bespoke, large-scale punching machine/sculpture will cut out exclusive Noma Bar designs with the remaining negative space forming an image.
The gallery visitor can take a piece of paper, choose from a variety of designs, and manually feed the paper into the machine, creating their own cut out print that will be signed and numbered by Noma Bar as part of a limited edition series. The prints and cut outs will range in price from £10 to £300.

With bold colours, shapes and pared-down iconography, Bar can capture the spirit of a person or the heart of an issue with arresting clarity and humour.” via Outline Editions

Şi două vorbe despre backgroundul lui Noma Bar:

Noma Bar was born in Israel in 1973 and graduated from Bezalel Academy of Art & Design in 2000. He moved to London in 2001 but it was It was during the first Gulf War that Bar developed his trademark combination of caricature and pictograms: while staying with his family in a shelter in Israel he sketched the likeness of Saddam Hussein around a graphic symbol for radioactivity that he found in a newspaper.

Since then Bar has published over 1000 illustrations for magazines and books worldwide, including upwards of 60 front covers. His clients include The Economist, Wallpaper*, The New York Times, The Guardian, GQ, Esquire, IBM, Sony, The V&A and more. He has also released two books of his work, ‘Guess Who – The Many Faces of Noma Bar’ and ‘Negative Space’, to widespread critical acclaim. via Outiline Editions

Am ales printul care mi-a plăcut cel mai mult din toată colecţia.

